Rhinos and Wildlife Projects in Africa

Osuyiani Conservation Education Project

Osuyiani is the Maasai word for wild dogs.

The OCEP mission is to create an environment within the Greater Mara ecosystem that is conducive for wild dogs in order to build their population in Kenya and create income earning opportunities for communities from tourism.

The project is based around conservation education:

  • Collaring individual dogs to learn more about their local behaviour
  • Sensitising local communities to the benefits of supporting wild dogs
  • Assisting livestock keepers to make their animals safe from predators
  • Training rangers and tour guides about wild dogs
  • Vaccinating domestic dogs against rabies and canine distemper virus
  • OCEP is a project of the Kenyan NGO Maisha Madrugada Foundation, financed by ProWin pro nature.

    Supported by Rhinowatch Lodge and Apasio Lodges.

    Dr Petra Campbell is the Project Manager and Dr Felix Patton, the Project Adviser who are responsible for developing the concept into a working operation creating strategic partnerships and the provision of resources materials.

    For more information email: ocepgreatermara@gmail.com

    Felix and Petra © 2021